
It is published in "T he Science in Siberia ", 1997, № 21

Chechen Republic and Siberia

The remarkable Krasnoyarsk writer (the humorist? The visionary?) Michael Uspensky likes to insert into the prose - strong, malicious, and incredibly ridiculous - humiliating rhymes. Once he has written a lullaby of obviously parody property with such lines: " it is quiet, without hysterics, / As if the terrible husband, / Malicious chechen creeps on a coast, / the Trace - the malicious ingush. / the Tatar Crimean creeps, / the Friend of steppes the Kalmyk … / All languages in edge (territory) Narymsky / Will finish language! " . From a context clearly, that the question is Stalin deportations. Only to Siberia, in "edge Narymsky", at Stalin of Chechens did not banish, unless it is valid " language lead up ", that is under clause 5810, and the mass reference was not: them took out to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Though in consciousness of people any reference could be perceived as Siberian. (So, Ukrainian poet Dmitro Pavlychko in ode for Djokhar Dudaev published in the first days of war with Chechnya, wrote: "he was born in the car,/in prison dark echelon, / which carried him to Siberia ".)

But it at Stalin who appeared unexpectedly humane in the attitude of highlanders, habitual at all to the Siberian climate (Kalmyks in this sense has not regretted - them drove down to Norilsk, and nearly half was dead in echelons). And at king of the same highlanders banished and to Siberia. Also colleagues Shamilja, and participants of the revolts which were taking place already after "appeasement" of Caucasus (1861, 1863, 1866), and sectarians - zikrists, and abreks - not that noble robbers from Middle Ages, not that quite modern (a boundary of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries) anarchists - terrorists here got. During the first imperialistic war by a usual repressive measure against peasants there was an eviction to Siberia on suspicion in espionage for the benefit of Turkey. And the most mass was deportation of participants of revolt Alibek-Khodja.

 Revolt it has captured Chechen (a mountain part of the Chechen Republic) hundred twenty years back. April, 24 1877 Alexander II has issued the manifest on declaration of war of Turkey, and in night for April, 25 twenty-seventh ears old Alibek-Khodja Aldanov from farm Simsir of Vedenskogo district at assembly sixty adherents was proclaimed clergyman. Uprising has declared intention " to break off any relations with existing authority "and" to declare itself independent ". Authorities counted having place " a Turkish intrigue " and even prepared for something similar on the eve of declaration of war (were given in alertness of strengthening in mountains, the most restless are mobilized and sent closer to a battlefield горцы), but itself Alibek on court in March 1778 has told: " What to me business up to mighty king or the sultan! I knew, that between them war, I wanted to take advantage and releaseit poor people ".

If April, 30 april person had about five hundred adherents all have joined May, 3 to him of 47 auls of Chechen, about 18 thousand. Insurgents aspired to leave for a flat part of the Chechen Republic, that it was extremely dangerous to occupational authorities: then the Big and Small Chechen Republic would rise. May 4 there was a first big fight at aul Mayurtup. Insurgents have put a serious loss to imperial armies, but on a plane could not leave. Also revolt in Salavat area (Dagestan) that has distracted retaliatory expedition(dispatch) from Chechen инсургентов May, 26 began. Since June the governmental armies began to resort to tactics of the burnt ground: to struggle not with uprising person, and with the peace population. Have begun "grinding", known to us from the self-newest history: Burning of the Chechen auls, capture of property and cattle, mass eviction from mountains on plain (before connection of the Chechen Republic to Russia, on the contrary, moved from plain in mountains, creating in foothills the Cossack villages because of what Chechens and ingushs have lost the best fertile grounds). The population was covered in woods, but here they were overtaken with specially created commands (teams) which " above everyone repaired own court - simply speaking, sent on a next world".

In instructions to the commander armies of Russia in the Chechen Republic to general Smekalovu constantly meet phrases such as " ruthlessly destroy before themselves all and everything, the more strictly, the better ", " бейте and hang up ruthlessly ", " Benoy and Zandak it is necessary is universal (without exception) to move to Siberia ". The kind tradition of massed bombardments of the settlements, reached and up to now, too was supported (the truth, rocket impacts, and usual artillery fire) were applied not. It is tradition: So, till 1905 the Chechen Republic did not rise any more, but as soon as excitements have begun again, it have recollected. For example, December, 30-31 1906 it was issued more than sixty fighting shells on a number of auls of Vedenskogo district.

As if to other known tradition - captures of hostages, - that the palm tree of superiority here too belongs not "unpacific highlanders ", and to Russian subjugators. The capture of hostages was usual tactics - not only on Caucasus, but also, for example, at colonization of Siberia where "аманаты" should provide payment by fellow tribesmen ясака in imperial treasury. Certainly, this tactics was widely applied in 1877. So, in July the settlement Mahkety was burnt and taken 135 hostages, but Makhkety aul has attacked a caravan and 115 person has beaten off. And an escort killed 20. The last - not accident. General Svistunov ordered Smekalov messages of Amanats " not with connected, and literally with the hands braided behind of a back so that the palm left had and was adhered strong to the shoulder right, and on the contrary. On road to not untie under any pretext and in case of the slightest resistance of one immediately to interrupt all. Should add: very much would wish, that this last happened".

So there is nothing to be surprised, that the capture of hostages was adopted at first абреки, and then and by our contemporaries down to Salman Raduev: their this was well trained by the senior brother.

October 28 revolt was suppressed (and in the next Dagestan still flared on full volume). December, 9, already after and from last Dagestan stronghold, aul Sogratl, there is only an ashes, imam Alibek-Khadjihas voluntary surrendered, not wishing that because of him relatives and people suffered. The pardon was promised to heads of revolt in case of delivery, but the tribunal 13 person has sentenced to hanging, and five - by 20 years of drudgery.

And Chechen-Kabardian cavalry shelfs at this time heroic battled to Turkey.

To make the cassation complaint condemned has refused. Alibek has told before execution: " Let all world knows insidiousness of "white king".

But the world of nothing has learned (found out). In the Russian press were not words about revolt. Nobody was entered for oppressed mountain people, and in any Krakow any Committee in support of the Chechen Republic was not formed. Some years after have started to be published memoirs of participants of suppression of revolt. On the basis of these memoirs and archival materials already in Soviet time a number of historical works, in particular, T.Mal'sagovoj's monography was created. And though archival materials were used not completely, to the future researcher the little will manage to be added: all грозненские archives were lost in 1995.

After execution mass deportation began. At first in the Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga provinces, then - in Vologda, Pskov and to Western Siberia. And has left on a Narim's coast " malicious chechen".

However, as it was already spoken, in this, on expression A. Soljenitsin, " prehistoric epoch of Gulag " "Siberia" sometimes it was understood not in geographical sense. So, in all curriculum vitae about the initiator кумыкской literatures poet Jyrchy Cozack (middle of the last century) it is underlined, that he was banished to Siberia, the Siberian cycle is considered the main thing in his creativity, but in his(its) own verses is readable: " we - beyond Minsk, circle - all woods yes blizzards ". Can be, it was only transfer (though the way from Northern Caucasus to Siberia does not lay in any way through Byelorussia), and subsequently the poet get to Siberia. And it is possible, "Siberia" named is generalized all jails, how the character of poem T. Shevchenko " Moskow's well", speaking how it has got in the Orenburg edge specifies: " And here be pricked Siberia was". And in present pornographies on a history of Northern Caucasus not a rarity to meet a phrase about the reference to Siberia - and transfer is farther: Vologda, Vyatka, the Perm provinces …

Mass destruction of the population, dispatch to the European Russia and Siberia (here it is necessary to add also dispatch to Turkey - after the ending of war with Shamil compulsory, and at the end of the last century - voluntary - compelled), the imperial interdiction to Chechens to live (and even to stop for night) in Terrible, Vedeno, Shatoy - all this, we shall hope, will become a thing of the past with signing the peace treaty between the Russian Federation and the Chechen republic Ichkeriej*. The same as also losses of Siberians in centuries-old Caucasian war: the first in a history infantry the shelfs, carrying a name Tomsk, was disbanded 211 years back, June, 15 1786. The reason of disbandment - the big losses which shelfs has incurred as a result of expedition to the Chechen Republic.

* Mean Khasavyurt agreements made shortly before a spelling of given clause. Later this last chance for Russia with honor to leave from the Chechen unit of problems was not simply lost, and ruthlessly destroyed. The second war with Chechnya has made unpredictable the further development of events in more - less close prospect. But the distant prospect is absolutely clear: or total destruction of Chechen people, or - the commission of the United Nations on decolonizations, input of " blue helmets " and an irrevocable leaving of the Chechen Republic not only from administrative - political structure of Russia, but also from the Russian sphere of influence in general.

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