It is published in "
The Science in Siberia ", 1996, № 19/20
Siberian captive, or from Berezovka up to Sosnovka
Studying a history, gradually you understand, that anything unprecedented in our century is not present. As has told Ecclesiastes, all this " was in centuries, former before us "
- both wars, and a genocide, and terror. A difference only in scales: in 20 century they became world. It also began from the First World War. Huge theatres of operations, huge number of victims, huge quantity of prisoner of war…
Then have appeared special places for a concentration captured - concentration camp. Both in Germany, and in Austria-Hungary, and in Russia. (So not Nazis have invented them and at all bolshevik*.) Much was them and in
deep rear. In the winter 1915/16 years in Siberia and on the Far East contained about a quarter of one million German, Austrian, Turkish military men. They were allocated non-uniformly. For example, in Tomsk and Tobolsk - approximately on 5 thousand, and in Novonikolavsk which then was not even provincial city - 12 thousand. Now for us concentration camp - a
synonym of camp of death. Then it was not so. But only on idea. For example, in Omsk for the first 10 months of war has died 16 thousand captured, and in Novonikolavsk a concentration camp in April 1915 died daily from 70 up to 85 people. The case when the echelon has brought to Siberia to death frozen турок, not having warm regimentals is known. Through a captivity and Siberia many military men of the countries of the Fourfold union, becoming subsequently commanders known, politics, writers have passed. Among them the hero of Civil war in Spain Mate Zalka and the executioner of Crimea it is Bela Kun, the
author well-known "Shweik" Yaroslav Hashek and popular Czech playwright Frantishek Langer, the president of Yugoslavia Yosip Broz Tito and the Ukrainian poet "youth-muse" Meletiy Kichura, Hungarian communistic figure Ferents Mjunnih and the Hungarian poet, the master of military lyrics Gheza D'onic died in Krasnoyarsk.
One of the largest of " special military stations " (other name of concentration camps) was Berezovka beyond Baikal (over 27 thousand captured). Since 1916 also the younger officer of a public health service of
kayser-royal army Manfred Shtern here contained. He was born hundred years back, in 1896, on Bukovina (present Chernivtsi area of Ukraine) in poor Jewish family. Has ended a Chernivtsi grammar school and the Viennese university. In Siberia brought down a wood, built barracks, was hired man - February revolution has not come yet.
During Civil war has organized international guerrilla group, background of Shteinberg - in Mongolia was at war against armies Колчака in Eastern Siberia and baron Ungerna. In 1921 was elected the deputy of the constituent Assembly of Far East republic, served as the chief of a staff at I.Uborevich.
Internationalism for Bolsheviks was the instrument of export of revolution, and in 1923 Shtern together with Ernest Tel'man organizes working revolt in Hamburg.
After returning to Russia it(he) specializes in the field of a military history, but in 1936 Civil war in Spain begins, and Shtern under pseudonym Emil Kleber goes there the volunteer, forms the first international troop.
An autumn of the same year general Kleber becomes history as " the person who has rescued Madrid ", having reflected the best Franko's armies, and after destruction of general Lukacha (Mate Zalka) command by 45-th infantry division accepts.
But intrigues in a republican manual result to that in the summer 1937 Штерна withdraw from Spain. In Moscow him have quickly accused of cooperation with poumovech-trotskists and anarchists and subjected to repression. In 1948 - repeated term. First Pecherlag, then Minlog (Inta). And he has finished the life again the Siberian captive - in Ozerlag, on a line Taishet -
Bratsk. About one of meetings with it(him) on 031-st camp-point has told A.Zhigulin in " Black stones ".
February, 18, 1954, two years prior to rehabilitation, Manfred Shtern, he Alexander Fyodorovich, he general Kleber has died of an exhaustion in camp at station Sosnovka.
* Confirming that anything is not present new: camp военнопленных too have appeared earlier: the Military encyclopedia informs, that them for the first time organized in england-bure war, and the candidate of historical sciences D.O.Serov has kindly informed me (for what I express him the gratitude), that in USA even during Civil war of the North and the South the prisoner of war
camp in Andersvill was.