
It is published in " The Science in Siberia ", 1996, ¹ 12;

In reduction it is published in "Student's city (campus) ", 1997, ¹ 4;

It is reprinted in magazine "Academgorodok ", 1997, ¹ 1

About humans unknown

Nine hundred years back in the old russian annals travel to Siberia for the first time is mentioned. To tell the truth, the word "Siberia" appears in domestic sources only three hundred years after. Here the question is about Yugre: the grounds beyond Ural, occupied by Ugrian peoples, ancestors present Khanty and Mansy. 

So, under 1096 in Nestor's annals it is told, how Guryata Rogovich from Novgorod has sent the servant in the Pechora edge(territory) and Yugra. Local natives have told to him, that behind impassable precipices and woods there are the mountains reaching heavens. Last three years inside these mountains shout and a roar as though someone hollows a stone is heard, wishing to get out outside. In rocks it is cut small îêîíöå, and in him there are people which are not understanding local language, and gestures show on something iron. If to them to give a knife or an axe, they in an exchange give sables, martens, and fiber. Annalist interprets these mountain inhabitants as " dirty tribes ", tired out Alexander the Great on territory of light. Then on command of the God mountains were left and have shut them. To escape from a stone captivity him it is fated before Terrible court. 

In a basis of this history is simple: the question is any people having enough furs, but requiring in metal. Fabulous details of this story are characteristic and for other early data on Siberia.

 So, old russian " the Legend about human unknown on east ground " names all peoples behind Ural are  samoed (self-eat), but in the most serious image classifies them. One of tribes eat each other, eat also deadmen, and visitors treat with the babies. Others lay in water because on land of their body burst in the summer. The third - " on a navel people are hairy up to bottom, and from a navel upwards as other humans ". Having mouths on cinciput are still mentioned. They " crumble meat and a fish yes put under a cap ", chew, moving shoulders. Others and at all without heads (a mouth between shoulders, and eyes on a breast). Is also such which die for two months and when becomes warmer in the winter - come to life. 

Simply surprisingly, how many fables have gone in on any five-six pages of this small monument. In process of promotion Russian to the east it was found out, that Siberia - the country surprising, but not fantastic. However thirst unusual did not weaken, localization of miracles was simply displaced. So, in 18 century transbaikalian Cossacks, something the resettlements which have heard about a Buddhist doctrine of souls, informed, that " Mungal khutukhta " (that is Mongolian theocratic the lord) time in ten years dies, and then comes to life again. That in these imaginations it was caused by naive interpretation of unusual realities and that is invented with boredom, inevitable in the remote garrisons, - it is difficult to tell. However, the mechanism of inventions can be and other sort. We shall tell, how at Venedikt Erofeyev in " From Moscow – to Petushky ". Remember? 

" And in Siberia - is not present, in Siberia you will not live. In general nobody lives in Siberia, one only negros live. Products him there do not deliver to drink him there is nothing, not speaking "to have a meal". Only once per one year him bring from Zhitomir embroidered towels - and negros on them are hung up ". 

Circle of life: the Human, the Earth, the Universe - think up suitable slogan for this page - something philosophical...




Far from Monmartre
About humans unknown
Siberian prisoner
Karmaluk's fate
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World map - You the master of space and time! Find cities and places which are mentioned in the Siberian calendar
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  Historical arch - historical-ethnography magazine about Belarus

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